Category: Interesting Facts

Landgate is no longer issuing Duplicate Certificates of Titles.

Landgate is no longer issuing Duplicate Certificates of Titles Landgate is no longer issuing or using Duplicate Certificates of Title, also known as Title Deeds or Paper Titles. The change came into effect on 7 August 2023. Duplicate Certificates of Title are now invalid and no longer considered a legal document. Property owners with a Duplicate Certificate of Title do not have to return it to Landgate or destroy it; they can keep it as an historical artefact if they wish. Removing paper Duplicate Titles from the titling system offers a range of benefits including increased safety and streamlined processes. This change will not affect people’s ownership of their property, and evidence of their ownership will still be recorded on the Land Titles Register. Property owners can be assured it is the original Certificate of Title held by Landgate in the Land Titles Register – not the Duplicate Title – which provides the complete legal, up to date evidence of their property’s ownership in Western Australia. A copy of the Certificate of Title showing ownership and registered interests and encumbrances over the property can be ordered through the Landgate website. What is a Certificate of Title • The original Certificate of Title provides the legal record of land ownership. • It is part of WA’s digital titles Register and exists as a computer record. • It provides a record of the current ownership details, a legal description of the parcel of land and all current registered interests and encumbrances. What is a Duplicate Title • It is a snapshot of the original Certificate of Title at the exact date and time the Duplicate Title was issued. • It is important to note that it may not include all of the information on the original Certificate of Title such as caveats, memorials and some other encumbrances which are not shown on a Duplicate Title

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