Selling Tips

Need Tips on Selling Your Property?


To boost the value of your property, preparation can be the difference between a quick sale and a house that sits on the market for months, follow these simple tips and it’s as easy as turning on the lights (literally).


  1. Let there be light
  • Buyers want ‘light and bright’, not ‘dark and dreary’, so make sure the house is lit up like a Christmas tree for inspections and listing photography.
  • When staging the home for photography, choose a sunny day and make the house appear as bright as possible.
  • Open all the curtains and blinds and turn on every light in the home, even switch on lights on the range hood and oven to show off the appliances, and kitchen, bathrooms, pool lights – whatever you have, turn it on to make it sparkle.
  • A fresh coat of paint can also work wonders to lighten and brighten up spaces and makes a property feel clean, new and well maintained.


  1. Keep it clean
  • Noticeable grime, dust, pet odours and dirt are very off-putting and gives potential buyers the impression that the home is uncared for and hasn’t been well maintained.
  • Make sure you pay close attention to cleaning light fittings and windows (inside and out) to make sure the place is light and brigh. Prior to an open for inspection, wipe down bench tops and surfaces with your favourite subtle all-natural cleaning product to give buyers that just-cleaned, fresh smell as they enter the home.
  • If you have pets, have the rugs, curtains and carpets steam-cleaned and remove litter trays, as there is no bigger turn off to potential buyers than the smell of wet dog as you enter a house.
  • A fresh scent will also create an inviting atmosphere for guests. However, make sure you don’t overdo it, so try to keep the potpourri, aftershave, fresh coffee and air freshener use to a minimum.


  1. Make it easy
  • Don’t leave anything to chance.
  • Make sure the house is clearly numbered
  • Old numbers, unmarked letterboxes and dark hidden addresses do no one favours when buyers are searching for a property.
  • Pointer signs (if given to you by the agent) to be displayed earlier 
  1. De-Personalize

One of the most important things a buyer needs to do when inspecting the property is to imagine themselves and their belongings living there

  • Excess furniture, quirky and all photos and portraits should be removed from view. Generally, wedding photos and family mementos can stop them from seeing the house as their own family’s future home.
  1. Declutter and organise
  • Too much clutter makes homes feel messy, small and cramped. Clear out unwanted items, mainly in the bathroom and kitchen, and remove toys, shoes and clothes from overflowing cupboards.
  • It is worth the trouble to demonstrate to potential buyers just how much space there is for all their things and really show off the home’s storage space.
  • Always remember to do that before a photo shoot or inspection.
  • Don’t forget to close the toilet seat prior to any inspection.
  • Selling your home is a great opportunity in giving you a head start for your next move.


  1. Simplicity is key
  • When arranging furniture, remember ‘less is more’. The aim here is to lead buyerss’ eyes to the room’s best assets. For example, make sure you don’t block off large windows with bulky furniture
  • A few simple décor touches of bright colour will do the trick
  1. Create a sense of luxury and comfort
  • A seller doesn’t have to spend a fortune to make their home welcoming and to achieve a sense of luxury.
  • Simply buying fresh fluffy white towels or bathrobes to hang in bathrooms, pretty throw pillows for beds can make a home look luxurious and feel inviting.
  • Style with a neutral base and add a pop of colour from coordinated pieces of artwork and soft furnishings.
  • Add a little warmth with the addition of rugs, lamps and other accessories, as well as something living, like displaying freshly cut flowers in a crystal vase.




Selling an owner built property


The introduction of the Building Services (Registration) Act 2011 removed the restriction from owner-builders selling within three years. This applies to individuals who are not registered builders but have been granted an owner-builder approval.

In some cases however, owner-builder approval is given to a registered builder who constructs the dwelling as their main residence and not for immediate sale. In this instance the owner-builder is bound by the Home Building Contracts Act 1991 (HBCA), which prohibits sale within three years.

Under the HBCA, builders can apply for an exemption order from the Minister for Commerce to sell within the three years if they can satisfy that they would suffer hardship if the application were refused.

All owner-builders who wish to sell their property within seven years of the building licence being issued by the local government authority should inform their real estate agent or prospective purchaser that their property was built, extended or renovated by an owner-builder. They must also give the purchaser a valid Policy of Home Indemnity Insurance covering the remainder of the seven year period.

The insurance is required as coverage in the case that a builder or owner-builder dies, disappears or becomes insolvent and is unable to rectify any faulty or unsatisfactory workmanship for the balance of the seven-year period from the date the building licence was issued.

Further information about owner-builder requirements and home indemnity insurance is available from:


Unfenced spa and the safety regulations


It doesn’t matter if you hardly use the spa, it has a lockable lid, no children at home or aren’t any children who visit, you still need to meet the strict compliance requirements standard for safety barriers AS1926.1-12. Getting advise from a reputable supplier or installer of pool barriers and engaging the services of a private certifier or building surveyor. Spas are considered an equivalent risk to pools when it comes to children drowning.

Further information about owner-builder requirements and home indemnity insurance is available from: